Nate at Moody’s, LJ at Barry’s Bootcamp, and Ethan at Cafe Grumpy!

Cooke Institute + Cooke School Faculty = Best Practice in Teaching

For more than 30 years, Cooke has devoted itself to creating programs that foster student success! We recruit the best and brightest teachers to ensure that we nurture student strengths through innovative teaching; we also share our knowledge with other teachers across NYC through Cooke’s teacher training division, the Cooke Institute (CI). Each year, CI provides coaching services to 460 educators, having an impact on 6,000 students! CI’s work ensures that the next generation of teachers is equipped to teach all learners in their classrooms.
This school year, CI collaborated with Cooke School faculty to create two teacher workshops (Supporting Classroom Sensory Needs and Integrating Meaningful Technology) as part of our partnership with the Archdiocese of NY’s Enhanced Special Education Initiative.
The workshops highlighted research and strategies that general education teachers in our partner schools can implement before, during and after lessons to better meet their students’ academic and behavioral needs. The workshops focused on:
- identifying common interventions to support students with sensory needs,
- choosing strategies for behavior management, and
- accessing curriculum in differentiated ways.
With all of CI’s work, we hope our coaching helps teachers understand that creating learning experiences that reach all students in diverse classrooms is synonymous with best practice, and the hallmark of quality teaching.
Cooke Institute/Barclays Market Research Points the Way to New Educational Partners 

As excitement builds about the move to our new school in spring, all Cooke divisions, including the Cooke Institute (teacher training and consultation), are abuzz with discussions about joining a new school district (1713 Madison Avenue is in Manhattan’s School District 4). The Institute is exploring possible partnerships and collaboration with a host of community organizations, early childhood centers and schools in East Harlem.
The Institute recently collaborated with Barclays (as part of Barclay’s Pro Bono Program with the Taproot Foundation) to conduct an analysis of the educational market in District 4 and charter schools across NYC. Five Barclays employees worked with Cooke staff on the project, the findings of which will assist us in expanding the business plan for the Institute. Based on Barclay’s report, many exciting opportunities abound within our new neighborhood! We’ll keep you posted on new collaborations/school partnerships as they develop.

Robert and Ardis James Foundation Awards Cooke Matching Challenge Grant
Help us Reach 100% Participation: Support our Building Futures Campaign
With $3 million in donations still needed to reach our $10 million Building Futures goal, we hope that 100% of the Cooke community—parents, grandparents and staff—will make a contribution to support our new building. To help us reach our goal, the Robert and Ardis James Foundation has generously pledged a $250,000 challenge grant, matching parents and families contributions dollar for dollar! What does that mean? For every dollar we raise, (up to $250,000) the foundation will match it.
The Building Futures campaign supports the construction of our new school building (at 1713 Madison Avenue) as well as the upcoming expansion of SKILLs and Alumni programming. This challenge grant offers everyone in the Cooke community, the opportunity to make a donation to be counted as a supporter of inclusive education for years to come. Now is the time for 100% of our community to rally behind us in support.
As we prepare to welcome students to the new school in spring, we hope you’ll lend your support! Donate here.
Contact: advancement@cookeschool.org to make a pledge. Pledges also qualify for the match.
LOOKING AHEAD: February 2020
• February 7: Alumni Valentine’s Day Dance
• February 10: Cooke Academy Open House
• February 17-21: Mid-Winter Recess, SCHOOL CLOSED
• February 24: SCHOOL RESUMES
• February 27:
– Cooke Grammar School Open House
– SKILLs Talent Show
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