I don’t typically contribute to the newsletter, but I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on what we have been doing while our students cannot physically attend school. Long before we were pushed into virtual learning, our talented faculty and students were using two learning platforms with our students. This greatly facilitated the transition to online learning as our primary instructional strategy. Preparing virtual lessons that are differentiated to meet the specific needs of our students is a challenge that takes time and creativity. Our faculty has risen to the challenge beautifully. I would be remiss if I did not mention the tremendous support being provided to our students by parents and siblings. This partnering of home and school is a testament to the strength of our community and our ability to meet challenges. Be safe and stay healthy.

Michael Termini, PsyD.


Every day is an opportunity to try something new! Virtual learning allows students to practice food preparation, try new recipes and immerse themselves in the world of cooking and healthy eating practices.

Our Million Minute Reading Challenge is going great! This week’s total reading minutes logged in at: 39,169 minutes, bringing our grand total (as of this week) to 360,336 … WOW!!!

Now more than ever, teachers need a supportive community to call on for advice and resources as they move their classroom teaching into students’ homes via remote learning. The Cooke Institute has quickly pivoted their onsite teacher training and coaching to online platforms, continuing their work with partner schools (including schools within the Archdiocese of New York). Cooke Institute coaches are scheduling 1:1 sessions with teachers to empower them to maximize student outcomes by utilizing the best online teaching strategies, resources and materials available.
Mentorship, guidance and support for teachers comes in many forms (e.g., shared resources, video clips and conference calls). With virtual coaching, there are no geographical boundaries. The sky’s the limit in supporting teachers as they do what they love—teaching children, supporting families and building communities!

Here are a few of the photos that our Cooke community has shared so far for our 30 day #cookingwithcooke photo challenge:

To honor upcoming holidays and provide important time off, Cooke School will be CLOSED on the following dates:
Thursday (4/9) – NO SCHOOL for ALL Students and Staff
Friday (4/10) – NO SCHOOL for ALL Students and Staff
Monday (4/13) – NO SCHOOL for ALL Students and Staff
Tuesday (4/14) – School Resumes for ALL Students and Staff (Virtual Lessons)
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