Special Shout Out!
Thank you to everyone for making our first day of in-person instruction such a success! You welcomed our students with great enthusiasm and they seemed delighted to be back in school with their friends. Though it was a very different opening day than we are used to, you all made the return to school special for our students. You are an incredible team of educators and Cooke is very fortunate to have such a caring and brilliant staff!
Volunteer Screening For COVID-19
Safety Protocols from Dr. Tabone
The safety and well being of our staff and students are our primary concern. We want to remind everyone that our reopening plan asks staff to consider volunteering for COVID-19 testing. New York City plans to randomly test about 10 percent to 20 percent of students, teachers and staffers at each school, once a month. Testing is also an important part of the city’s safety plan, along with social distancing, wearing masks and cleaning classrooms.
Testing is free to all eligible New Yorkers as ordered by a healthcare provider or by calling the NYS COVID-19 hotline at 1-888-364-3065. If you go to a test site run by New York State, there is never any charge for your test. Learn more here.

A New Partnership
Cooke Institute is pleased to announce its partnership with the Professional Development Resource Center (PDRC) for Religious and Independent Schools at Fordham University Graduate School of Education, Center for Educational Partnerships. Fordham PDRC is a NY State funded center, providing teachers and school leaders of non-public schools in NYS and NYC, training opportunities that cover a broad range of current topics relevant to teaching and learning in today’s classrooms.
Throughout the fall, Cooke Institute will present a 3-part, after school early childhood (Pre-K-2nd Grade) PDRC professional development series:
Talk Tools: Speech to Print in the COVID-19 Classroom
Participants in this highly-interactive early childhood professional development series will engage in developmental techniques and strategies that help young children develop their language, literacy, and social-emotional skills to become successful learners in a classroom, or in a virtual learning environment.
Part 1: The Root of Literacy: Oral Language Development
October 15, 2020
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Part 2: The Road to Results: Effective Literacy and Language Tools for the Blended Learning Classroom
October 29, 2020
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Part 3: The Sweet Spot: Engaged, Elated, and Empowered
November 19, 2020
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Click HERE for more details and for each session’s registration links.

Heating and Cooling
If you have any issues with heating or cooling in your classroom or office, please create a work order by emailing: FACILITIESSUPPORT@cookeschool.org. The Facilities team will respond as soon as possible.

Phone System Instructions By Model
Cooke School and Institute’s main number for all sites is: 646.273.5555
Here are instruction booklets for operating our 3 models of phones:
If you need any additional assistance with the phone systems, please contact IT at: helpdesk@cookeschool.org
Log in to WiFi at 1713 and 219:
Network SSID: Cooke Temp Wireless
Password: Cooke2020!

Time to Update Our Cooke Letterhead
Now that our new phone numbers are in place, please use the digital letterhead that reflects our new phone number 646.273.5555. You can find Cooke’s updated digital letterhead here.

Upcoming Topics:
• More Printer Feature Updates
• How to Get Your Key Card Printed as Your Cooke ID
Follow Us: @CookeSchoolNYC
Copyright © *2020* *Cooke School and Institute*, All rights reserved.