“The new school building will empower our incredible Cooke students, as well as the superstar faculty and administrators, to create an environment that encourages students to build more successful lives of value, purpose, independence and joy.” −Dagnall Folger, Cooke Parent & Board Member
As an architect and co-founder of the firm A+I, Dagnall Folger can speak about the design features of Cooke’s new school building with authority. At a recent event, Dag talked about the beauty of the school’s façade, the natural light that will permeate the 22 new classrooms and the many striking, yet functional spaces (yoga studio and rooftop garden) for students to enjoy. The building renderings reveal that our new school will be one of the most innovative, well-designed educational facilities in NYC! But as a parent, what matters most to Dag—and to all of us—is the learning that will take place inside our new building. Dag continued…
“What the renderings don’t reveal is what’s going to happen when all of Cooke is united under one roof. As students, faculty and administrators walk through the same front door every morning, the Cooke community will come together in a way it hasn’t been able to do since its inception more than 30 years ago. What we are most excited about is the impact our new building will have on our students as it empowers everyone in the Cooke community to learn more, share more, interact more and achieve more.”
Over the years, many of you have demonstrated your commitment to Cooke’s programs by giving your time, your talents and your financial support to the school. We ask that you show your support again by making a tax deductible contribution to Cooke by June 30th (the end of our fiscal year). Your support of our new school building, and all the wonderful programming that takes place throughout the year, will help us reach our goal to provide quality special education to current and future generations of Cooke students.
Help us empower our students to lead their best lives. Support Cooke today!