Internship Corner
Cooke’s Internship Program Welcomes New Partners:

Cooke’s internship program helps students (grade 9 through age 21) gain valuable work experience by offering them internships in businesses and nonprofits across NYC. The Chairs of Vocational Services (Dana Pelerin at the Academy and Jennifer Dinney at SKILLs) connect students to jobs that expose them to new experiences, help them learn about the expectations of a work environment and get them actively engaged with their community.
Dana and Jennifer reach out to a variety of businesses to secure internship host sites and build community partnerships across six career cluster areas (e.g., clerical/office, animal care and food service). As a result of their outreach, Cooke has been able to welcome new partner organizations, including several high-profile companies. Business partners are vital to the success of the internship program, ensuring that students learn work readiness skills and actively participate in their community.
We are grateful for the participation of the following businesses, and we welcome them to the Cooke community:
- American Institute of Architects
- Barry’s Bootcamp
- Levain Bakery
- Modell’s Sporting Goods
- Riverside Park Conservancy
- Silvermirror Spa
- Special Music School (P.S. 859) in partnership with Kaufman Music Center
- Tarzian Hardware
- Towne House Grooming
Institute Update:
Cooke Institute RISEs to the Occasion

The 35th annual Religious and Independent Schools Educators (RISE) Conference was held on November 4th and 5th. The symposium brought together 700 participants, including superintendents, heads of schools and classroom teachers from across New York City and New York State. Not only were participants inspired by leaders in the field of education, but they also had the opportunity to attend break-out sessions and learn best practices from current practitioners in the field. Upholding our mission’s principle of sharing our knowledge with educators in the broader community, we were thrilled to have Cooke Institute’s very own Beth Carr lead a learning session on Accessing Complex Text with Diverse Learners. Beth’s comprehensive session––which covered topics such as close reading strategies and supporting struggling readers––invigorated and excited attendees who were eager to implement what they learned with their own students!
Results are In …
We’ve done it again!

Our coin campaign was a great success, and it is all because of the support and participation of our school community. Each year when the Cooke Coin Campaign kicks off, it takes on a momentum all its own as our students, families, faculty and staff, show their enthusiasm and dedication by bringing in their change to #SupportCoooke. This year, we raised $4,820, and as always, we were amazed to see the impact of this event as our change adds up!
Cooke 2020: Building Update

Our new building is looking like a real beauty! Windows have been installed in the front and back of the building, and the exterior terra cotta tiles and decorative window details are being added. On the inside, HVAC systems are going in, dry wall is going up and flooring is being laid on the outdoor patios. It’s all coming together, and as each week passes, new features are added that bring us closer to completion. In spring 2020, our students will be greeted with a building that is nothing short of spectacular, and we can’t wait for the day when they walk through the doors and celebrate their new school!
Click here to view construction progress photos
Visit: cookeschool.org/buildingfutures for more information.

Mark Your Calendar
• November 15: Alumni Event (contact Michelle Lang for more information: mlang@cookeshool.org)
• November 28-29: Thanksgiving Break – SCHOOL CLOSED
• December 6:
– Academy Ring Day
– Staff Professional Development –NOON DISMISSAL FOR STUDENTS
• December 9: Academy Open House
• December 12:
– Grammar School Open House
– Academy Talent Show
• December 13: Alumni Event (contact Michelle Lang for more information: mlang@cookeshool.org)
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