165,250 Minutes and Counting!

At Cooke, we understand the significance of, complexities in, and connections between the reading and writing processes. Cooke teachers explicitly model and practice discrete literacy strategies while building vocabulary and content knowledge. In school, Cooke students laugh and sing with Pete the Cat by James and Kimberly Dean; make 3D models of Wild Island while reading My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Gannett; invent their own superpowers after reading Matilda by Roald Dahl; share their own untold stories after reading Maya Angelou’s “Caged Bird” and “Still I Rise;” quickly turn the pages to see how Batman cornered the villain; and take urgent action to help others after reading Refugee by Alan Gratz. And that’s just the narrative texts.

Cooke teachers want reading to be fun because we know the impact reading regularly can have on a person. Reading independently and listening to stories read to us exposes us to the narratives of people and places both familiar and foreign, promoting empathy and perspective-taking. We learn about ourselves as we learn about other people. Narratives capture the human condition and allow for finding experimental solutions to problems. Reading engages creativity, and telling stories is an important part of daily communication. The narrative is the format of human communication. Attend any Cooke event and you’ll hear about our school’s own origin story.
Perhaps most importantly, Cooke students read so they can tell the stories that have yet to be told.

#2: Our new OT/PT rooms will include traversing walls, suspended equipment, separate office spaces for clinicians and breakout sensory and fine-motor skills rooms.
#3 Our new school building will be fully ADA compliant and will have an elevator that accommodates up to two wheelchairs.
#4: Our new school will have 29 classrooms (each with a breakout room and large windows).
#5: Our new school will have 6 teaching kitchens and a daily living apartment lab.
JOIN US ON MAY 19, 2020

You Won’t Want to Miss …
Celebrate our honorees:
Andrea Pollack and Adam Usdan
Mark Your Calendars:
for a fun-filled night that will bring our community together and highlight
the progress of our new school building
Secure Your Childcare Now:
come and enjoy a carefree evening featuring 25 NYC chefs, top-shelf wine and spirits
and beautiful views of the Hudson River at sunset!

Cooke Academy’s STEAM Night brings together Cooke students, families and staff members for engaging, hands-on, fun-filled activities and games that promote the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) curriculum and teach our students how to use Google Expeditions research and create experiments.
•March 6: Alumni Event
•March 12 & 13: Parent Conferences
•March 20: Alumni Event
•March 26: Cooke Academy STEAM Night (6-8PM)
•March 27: NOON DISMISSAL (All Schools)
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