Gala Cancelled—We’re Flipping Our Model!
Hi Everyone!
Things are changing rapidly during these unprecedented times, and I just wanted to share some updates from the Advancement team. I’m sure it comes as no surprise, that sadly, we have canceled Cooke’s Food for Thought Gala on May 19 due to the COVID-19 crisis. We are terribly disappointed to have to make this decision, but our immediate concern is to ensure the wellbeing of the entire Cooke community (of which you are a valuable part).
Our NYC chef partners, who have donated their time and talents to our cause each year, are now facing challenges as a result of COVID-19 and social distancing precautions. In appreciation of their support, Cooke has launched #CookingwithCooke, an initiative that will highlight our chefs and give them a platform to promote causes that are important to them. We are very excited about this new endeavor, and the opportunity to give back where we can. We hope you will join us by participating in this fun, interactive community-wide effort. Keep reading to learn more!
Michael Eaton
Vice President, Cooke Advancement

Liz shares her signature recipe to benefit ROAR (Relief Opportunities for All Restaurants), as part of the #CookingWithCooke campaign. She writes, “NYC’s hospitality teams live to take care of us. Now it’s our turn to take care of them. Your support will make all the difference.” You can support ROAR online at: www.roarnewyork.org

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