We have made great progress in our million minute reading challenge—we are more than halfway to our goal! Each week, our students share reading recommendations with their peers. Last week one of our middle school students recommended Two Miserable Presidents to his peers, and the author surprised us with an amazing personalized reply to our Cooke readers. Check it out:

Now that everyone is having so much fun cooking at home, kitchen safety is more important than ever! As part of their adaptive skills lessons, our students are learning how to safely use their ovens. To practice these skills, students learned the steps to making brownies (either with a box mix or from scratch). They practiced following a recipe, measuring ingredients and using appropriate oven tools to handle hot pans

This year’s musical selection is Cooke’s rendition of Hairspray! Though we’re apart, the show must go on! Each week, our music and drama teachers will post challenges for our students to record and submit a video of themselves singing, dancing or acting to their favorite Hairspray song or scene! Students will have the opportunity to participate in our Virtual Hairspray Musical performance on June 3.
Our #CookingWithCooke initiative highlights chefs and gives them a platform to promote causes that are important to them. We are delighted to share their worthy endeavors with all of you, and we encourage you to join our chefs in support of these important causes.
This Week’s Restaurant: Blue Hill
In an effort to support their community of small, independent farmers, Blue Hill at Stone Barns is promoting an initiative they call resourcED–—gift boxes filled with high-quality, local fresh and preserved vegetables and grains to provide for healthcare workers, seniors, families, and others in need. Learn more about Blue Hill’s cause here.
In case you missed it …
Check out David and Jake in the kitchen!
Father and son partner to provide step by step instructions for you to create delicious wheat bread at home. Click here to view their video.
As the parents of a Cooke Alumnus, the Waltucks are incredible partners with Cooke, lending their support to this initiative and highlighting causes important to NYC’s culinary industry! Learn about David’s causes.

So many people—including our talented partner chefs—gave of their time, talents and support to make our new school building possible! Check out these photos of our students visiting the construction site of our new school to get a sense of the excitement they feel for what’s to come.
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