RE: Important Information About Your Cooke Benefits
Cooke School and Institute is providing you with important notices required under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) electronically. Please read these notices carefully, as they describe important aspects of the benefits provided to you and your family.
These notices are attached and can also be found on our website under the HR section.
Click here to access the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Notice
Please note: You have the right to request and obtain a paper versions of these notices at no charge. If you have any questions regarding these notices, or have problems accessing them, please contact: Elizabeth Santiso, Director of Human Resources at Cooke School and Institute, who acts on behalf of the plan administrator, at: 646.273.5555 X1029, or esantiso@cookeschool.org.
Your 2021 Medicare Disclosure Notice
Attached is a copy of your Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notice; information regarding distribution requirements (Distributing your Medicare Part D Disclosure Notice) and information on disclosing the status of your Prescription Drug Plan to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (Creditable Coverage Disclosure to CMS Guidance). Please note that these Notices are valid from October 15, 2020 – October 14, 2021.
Creditable Coverage Disclosure to CMS Guidance
Cooke School and Institute Creditable Coverage Disclosure
Distributing Your Medicare Part D Disclosure Notice
These documents are also available for download on the Cooke School Faculty portal under the HR tab
Travel Advisory
As we head into the holiday season, we urge everyone to stay safe. All of us will need to be mindful of the health and safety of our students and fellow colleagues (as well as our own family members) as we make plans to celebrate this season. As a gentle reminder, please adhere to our travel advisory.
Travel Advisory: If an individual has traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread, the individual must quarantine himself/herself when the individual enters New York for 14 days from the last day of travel within such designated state, provided that on the date the individual enters into New York state, that such state met the criteria for requiring such a quarantine.
Employees may be required to use Paid Time Off: Any time away from work that may be required due to an employee’s personal traveling to one of the locations included on the NYS Travel Advisory List (at the time employee leaves for travel), or who travels internationally to a country for which the CDC has issued a Level 2 or Level 3 risk assessment (e.g., quarantining, development of symptoms, COVID+ test results) may be required to use his/her own personal time off (PTO). Any COVID-19 sick leave authorized by NYS law will not be available to employee. Employees are expected to review the NYS Travel Advisory List and CDC Travel List.
Should you have any questions, please contact HR for more information at: HRteam@cookeschool.org.
Spring 2021 Title IIA SBL Catalog – Registration is NOW OPEN!
Attached is the Title IIA SBL Catalog for Spring 2021, along with the program memorandum. The onlineSpring 2021 Title IIA SBL Catalog is available on PROTRAXX, and online enrollment is open as of October 19, 2020. Registration ends November 6 at 3:00 PM.
Spring 2021 Title IIA SBL program memorandum
Spring 2021 Title IIA SBL Catalog
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Elizabeth Santiso at: esantiso@cookeschool.org.

Updated Phone Extensions
The updated phone extension list can be found here. The locations are segmented by tabs. Please comment on the google sheet if there are changes to the list.

The Moody’s Foundation has supported the Cooke School and Institute for 20 years through donations of more than $2.5 milion. Moody’s has been particularly generous in funding Cooke’s student internship program. Many staff members, including Jessica Nesbihal, Jennifer Dinney, Dana Pelerin, Mary Clancy, Jessie Gardner, Katie Riordan and Jackie Bediako (as well as Transition and CIA staff) have worked with the Advancement team to keep Moody’s informed of the exciting programming that Cooke provides to foster greater independence and career readiness among students. We are proud to announce that Moody’s and Cooke recently released a research report, Roadmap for Inclusion: A Collaborative Digital Skills Training Model for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities.
The report was funded by a Moody’s grant; report highlights include :
- strategies to promote the inclusion of a more diverse workforce (including young adults with developmental disabilities) across industries
- research onthe latest trends in recruiting neurodiverse talent in the IT industry and beyond
- an outline of the most important “gatekeeper” skills to become a successful candidate for IT and other industry jobs that rely heavily on digital skills
- a discussion on the value of collaboration between education and business to increase job prospects and professional growth for neurodiverse individuals who can bring innovation and productivity to the workforce.
- the promotion of Cooke as a thought leader in the field.
We invite you to read more, here.

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