• Uploading Your COVID-19 Test Results/Medical Records to Smart Vault
• Important Information About Your Employee Benefits
• Don’t Delay: Open Enrollment Ends December 14th
• Travel Advisory Updates
• Cooke is Hiring!

Important Information about Cooke School and Institute’s Employee Benefits
Cooke School and Institute’s Employee Benefits Plan Document/Summary Plan Description (“SPD”) being provided electronically contains important information regarding the benefits provided to you (and if applicable, your family). This document also outlines your rights and responsibilities under the SPD. Please note that this document incorporates any current applicable Certificates of Coverage and/or benefit summaries that you have or will receive from Cooke School and Institute.
To view your plan document please log onto WorkForce 1 and follow the path below:
My Info>My Company>Documents and search for ERISA Plan Documents.
You have the right to request and obtain, at no charge, a paper version of the Cooke School and Institute’s Employee Benefits Plan Document/SPD. To do so, contact, Elizabeth Santiso, Director of Human Resources of the Cooke School and Institute, who acts on behalf of the SPD Administrator at: esantiso@cookeschool.org.
If you have any questions regarding the Cooke School and Institute’s Employee Benefits Plan document/SPD, or have problems accessing the document, please contact Elizabeth Santiso at: esantiso@cookeschool.org.
Open Enrollment Reminder
Thank you for joining us at our 2021 Open Enrollment Meeting last Friday!
Couldn’t make it? Access the entire recorded Zoom session of the Open Enrollment Meeting by clicking here.
For those of you who were not able to make it, here are a few useful resources for your reference:
1. AFLAC enrollment paperwork:
If you have further questions for Lou DeGati regarding AFLAC plans, you can contact him at:
Special Projects Coordinator, AFLAC
COVID-19 Test Results/Medical Records to Smart Vault
Please Upload Your Actual Test Results/Medical Records to Smart Vault
In order to keep HIPAA compliant and keep your medical records safe and secure, do not email your personal medical information, upload it to your Smart Vault portal. This includes the actual test results from your doctor or medical facility. If you need access to the portal, please email HRTeam@cookeschool.org
(UPDATED) Travel Advisory
If you travel to a state listed on the travel advisory (other than just driving through), you must fill out the following form provided by the state:
To avoid a 14 day quarantine (for any traveler coming to New York State from out-of-state, exempting the contiguous states), the new guidelines for travelers to test-out of the mandatory 14-day quarantine are below:
For travelers who were in another state for more than 24 hours:
1. Travelers must obtain a test within three days of departure from that state.
2. The traveler must, upon arrival in New York, quarantine for three days. Should the three days fall on a regularly scheduled work/school day some may be required to use their PTO for these days off.
3. On day four of their quarantine, the traveler must obtain another COVID test. If both tests come back negative, the traveler may exit quarantine early upon receipt of the second negative diagnostic test.
4. Two negative tests must be told to their supervisor and HR prior to returning to school- the actual test results must be uploaded to the Smart Vault portal.
For travelers who were in another state for less than 24 hours:
1. The traveler does not need a test prior to their departure from the other state, and does not need to quarantine upon arrival in New York State
2. However, the traveler must fill out the traveler information form upon entry into New York State, Follow the link here: https://forms.ny.gov/s3/
3. Negative test must be told to their supervisor and HR prior to returning to school – the actual test results must be uploaded to the Smart Vault portal.
Local health departments will validate tests, if necessary, and if a test comes back positive, will issue isolation orders and initiate contact tracing. The local health department must make contact with the state the traveler came from, to ensure contact tracing proceeds there as well. All travelers must continue to fill out the traveler information form upon arrival into New York State to contribute to New York State’s robust contact tracing program.
Staff will not be allowed to return to school until they have provided two negative COVID tests and may be required to use their PTO days during this time.
The health and safety of our community is dependent on all of us following best practices for the prevention of the spread of COVID 19. It is essential that all members of the community follow our protocols both in and out of school. Each day we are all asked to respond to 5 screening questions. It is essential that each of us respond accurately. While we trust that everyone will answer honestly please be aware of the fact the failure to provide truthful answers may result in disciplinary action.
The State of New York asks that we make you aware that individuals who fail to comply with quarantine order may be subject to a penalty of up to $10,000.
Cooke Is Hiring!
Follow Us: @CookeSchoolNYC
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