Seems everyone is baking bread these days! Now, you can join in on the fun and start your own. Cooke’s science teacher, Ms. Manzo, will teach you how to grow your own yeast for sourdough bread making through her how-to video series. Families can follow her step-by-step directions together! (We’ll be sure to share Cassie’s videos on bread making as she continues her series).
The need for social distancing hasn’t stopped Cooke Alumni from connecting in many new ways! Check out this Alumni Association newsletter slide show to learn all about their adventures in fun posts: Movement Matters, Creative Corner, Furry Friends, and What’s on your plate? Plus movie reviews! Michelle Lang, Cooke’s Director of Alumni Services, says the alumni community has been staying in touch with each other through a series of virtual workshops – Educational Explorers, Short Films & Chit Chat, Snapshot Share and In Tune: Exploring Musical Genres.
Check out Jake Waltuck’s (Cooke alumnus) article on how he has been keeping busy as he spends time away with his family during this pandemic:
Jake’s Quarantine Story: Woodstock In the Pandemic
By: Jacob Waltuck
When the coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic struck, I was very scared, but I feel safe with my mom and dad. Although I live on my own in Manhattan, I’m spending time with my parents in the Bronx so I’m not alone in this devastating time. Mom, Dad and I have been staying together in the Bronx, where my parents mostly live, but now we’ve moved to Woodstock, where we feel safer. It’s very tough living in a crisis, but we’re managing pretty well – sanitizing our stuff and doorknobs, washing our hands, wearing protective gear, and making sure we’re at very safe distances.
Dad and I have been cooking delicious foods like pasta sauce and bread. All three of us saw the films The Producers and The Sting. We even went on a nature hike with family friends Nick and Lydia, all while keeping our distance, and have made fires. In other words, we feel lucky. We are now quarantining ourselves in Woodstock for two weeks to keep the virus from spreading.
On March 28, we arrived and had a delicious curry dinner. Before that, I gave a friend a virtual tour of the house. Today (March 29), I took my first virtual HapKiDo class. HapKiDo is a martial art from Korea. Before going to Woodstock, I joined a virtual group from Zeno Mountain Farm to see the film Crip Camp, which is a Netflix documentary about a camp for people with disabilities. I’m also going to see Joker with friends of mine virtually this coming Friday. Going to Woodstock with my family is wonderful, and a perfect way to settle down in a dark time.
Ayesha Nurdjaja
Ayesha is the executive chef at Shuka, Vicki Freeman and Marc Meyer’s Eastern Mediterranean restaurant in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood, where she serves a menu of provocative dishes that highlight local, seasonal ingredients.
Ayesha has helped to lead numerous Michelin-starred restaurants and is the creator of the Shuka’s menu which draws on the rustic, vibrant flavors found throughout Italy, Morocco and Tunisia.
Ayesha is a longstanding Cooke champion! She graciously participates in our Food for Thought gala each year. As an internship host, Ayesha and Shuka Restaurant have helped many Cooke students gain work experience and learn about the culinary industry.
Learn more about our #CookingwithCooke campaign and how you can support our effort by clicking here.
So many people—including our talented partner chefs—gave of their time, talents and support to make our new school building possible! Check out these photos of our students visiting the construction site of our new school to get a sense of the excitement they feel for what’s to come.
Our students plan to enjoy all that the new building has to offer: playing hoops in the gym, baking in the daily living labs, taking the elevator and hanging out with friends. We all look forward to seeing this happen soon!
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