Human Resources
• Instructions for completing TASC Forms | Due September 24
• Tuition Reimbursement | Due September 29
• Annual Sexual Harassment Certification | Due October 13
IT Update
• IT Internet Service Update at 1713 Madison Avenue | September 25
• How do I access and print from the new copiers?
• What to do it you are missing a box or item from our recent move.
• Names have changed, but COOKE remains the same—check out our brand book!
Additional Reminders:
• Don’t forget to use the app, or log in via your computer, to clock in and out every day. We rely on the WorkforceOne timesheet to document your time, so please make it a part of your routine to clock in and out.
• Traveling to one of the school buildings? Make sure you arrange it ahead of time (by Thursday of the week before).
• We’ll be back at our school buildings before you know it! Please reach out to HR now, if you think you’ll need a staff ID/access card.

Complete the TASC Form: (Now in Workforce One) | Due: September 24
Good news! The TASC Medical and TASC Transit Forms can now be filled out in WorkForce One.
Log in to Workforce One and click the blue bell notification button on the upper right hand corner. There, you’ll find your TASC Medical form. You can complete and submit it through Workforce One. If you need a TASC Transit form, please contact Vanessa Krigger: vkrigger@cookeschool.org, and she will add that to your blue bell notification in WorkForce One.
Please be certain to thoroughly read the instructions for completing the TASC forms, otherwise, your form will NOT be processed:
Note: Those of you who have already completed and sent in your forms DO NOT have to send them in again!
• Tuition Reimbursement | Due Tuesday, September 29
If you are submitting a request for tuition reimbursement for the FALL 2020 semester, the submission due date is: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29.
Click here to download a tuition reimbursement form.
The following items must be submitted to request tuition reimbursement:
- A Completed NEW Tuition Reimbursement Request Form (attached — new form). Please make sure employee and supervisor signatures are completed before sending to HR. Also, the maximum tuition assistance is $500 per course, 2 courses a semester for 3 semesters. Assistance will not exceed a total of $3,000 per year.
- Proof of Tuition Payment
- Official course number and description from your school’s online catalog
- Proof of your grades (this should be submitted at the end of the semester).
Please be advised, your application must be completed in its entirety in order for it to be processed (once we receive your final grades at the end of your semester).
If there are any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact Wintana Haile-Massiah: whaile-massiah@cookeschool.org
• Annual Sexual Harassment Certification | Due October 13
This mandatory training takes 45 minutes to complete. Please read the instructions thoroughly before starting, and capture your certificate as proof that you took the online course.
Click here for the link to the training

Information Technology
• IT Internet Service Update at 1713 Madison Avenue on Friday, September 25:
This Friday, the IT department will be performing a mandatory service update at 1713 Madison Avenue from 7am-4pm. All internet services will be sporadic during this time. If you don’t need to be in the building, please work from home, as anyone at 1713 will encounter intermittent disruption to their internet access during the day.
• Printer/Copier Accessibility – All Sites (Phase 1)
In order to install basic copier machine drivers and functions, we are (remotely) running a preliminary script on all Cooke-owned Apple computers (phase 1), to provide access to default functions such as copying and scanning. Please note: Phase 2 (allowing printer and copier access to PC users), will soon follow. Here are some screenshots of what you can expect to see pop up on your screen. You can expect this script to run once to install the copier drivers:

Let’s show the world who Cooke is!
Names have changed, but COOKE remains the same! In an effort to maintain Cooke’s brand integrity and ensure that our branded assets are being utilized appropriately, we have updated our Cooke brand usage guidelines to help us all adhere to standards that convey visually-consistent imagery and a unified voice and messaging.
Click here to check out our updated Cooke Brand Book!
If you have questions, or need help downloading or accessing this guide, please contact: advancement@cookeschool.org

Upcoming Topics:
• More Printer news (Phase 2 update)
• Phone service updates
• New Cooke ID cards
• How to get a replacement key card
• Parking garage information for 1713 Madison Avenue
Follow Us: @CookeSchoolNYC
Copyright © *2020* *Cooke School and Institute*, All rights reserved.