- Summer 2021 Title IIA SBL Catalog
- Did you get your second COVID-19 vaccine shot?
- Wellness Challenge Update: Our Hydration Heroes
- Share Your Announcements

Summer 2021 Title IIA SBL Catalog
The Summer 2021 Title IIA SBL catalog is available on ProTraxx, and online enrollment opened on March 8, 2021.
Please note that the registration deadline for the Summer 2021 Title IIA SBL Catalog is Friday, March 26, 2021 at 3:00 PM.
After registering for classes, please email Elizabeth Santiso, at: esantiso@cookeschool.org, and she will approve your class requests in our system.
Click here for the Summer-2021-Title-IIA-SBL-Catalog.
Click here to read the Summer-2021-SBL-MEMO.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Anne-Marie Baumis
Field Support Specialist
NYC Department of Education
Office of Nonpublic Schools
65 Court Street – Room 922 B
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Email: abaumis@schools.nyc.gov
Phone: (718) 935-3873
Did You Receive Your Second COVID-19 Vaccine Shot?
Thank you to those of you that have already uploaded your COVID-19 test results and/or vaccine cards. Moving forward, the name of the folder has changed (same folder, just new name.)
For those of you that have not uploaded your test results and vaccine cards yet, or have tried and received an error message stating “denied access,” please read on.
Please go to the link HERE to upload your screenshots, documents, etc.
Once you are there, please enter your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, click “Can’t Sign In.” You may then create a new password.
Once you have logged in, you will click on the folder named Staff Uploads (HR)—this was previously named HR Uploads. Staff Uploads (HR) is where you upload all of your personal documents. If you attempt to access any other folder, you will receive a “Denied Access” message.
If you need further assistance, please contact Elizabeth Santiso at: esantiso@cookeschool.org

Shout-Out to Cooke’s Hydration Heroes!
The Wellness Team’s “6 Weeks to Wellness Challenge” enters its second week, and we have 35 staff members participating! The hydration week goal was to drink 64 oz of water a day, and it was a huge success!
Shout-out to our Hydration Heroes for getting a perfect score: Alyssa Fagan, Alyssa Soohoo, Andi Sachs, Bridget Corrigan, Bryan Clancy, Debe Brady, Eliana Glatt, Francine Shamosh, Jessie Gardner and Katty Vargas!
Notable mentions go to: Suzanne Mikulas, Susan Robinson, Omni Hornedo, Michael Verini, Cassie Manzo, Ayde Rayas-Gribben, Brigitte Goodman, Deborah Milmerstadt and Julie Greenberg!
This week’s challenge is to sleep 7-9 hours each night. Check in next week to find out who our super-sleepers will be!

Have news or an announcement to share in a future newsletter?
This newsletter is a resource for all staff to share Cooke-wide communications. In an effort to streamline our cluttered inboxes, we consolidate departmental and school news weekly.
If you have “approved” news or announcements to share with the “All Staff” team, please send your submission to: meaton@cookeschool.org.
Follow Us: @CookeSchoolNYC
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